Sunday, August 3, 2008

Stuff you can get in India... and how much (or little!) it will cost you!

India has many of the "comforts" of home. In the largest of the grocery stores you can find nearly everything that you can in the US. The selection is about what it was in the states about 30 years ago... instead of an entire aisle of breakfast cereal, they have about 10 varieties. For example, they have Cheerios only... not Honey Nut, Multi-Grain, Frosted, YogoBurst, Apple Cinnamon, Berry Burst, Fruity, Oat Cluster Crunch, etc. The same with everything... it's just Colgate or Crest, Coke or Pepsi. Simple! I must admit it simplifies the shopping process. Nearly everything is manufactured right here in India, mostly up in northern India for the pre-packaged goods. The prices for items made here are ridiculously low.

A roll of POLO mints (Life Savers)... just 5 rupees ($0.11 USD)

This Kit Kat also costs 5 rupees ($0.11 USD) at the register endcap.

These Lays potato chips (yes, India's own Mint Mischief flavor... even Andrew won't eat them!)... 10 rupees ($0.21 USD)

A loaf of bread, just 30 rupees ($0.70 USD)

One of the biggest bargains is People magazine (just launched here in India this month!) Sorry it's a bit wrinkled, I've been trying to read it by the pool for a week now! Just 30 rupees ($0.70) Can you believe that Courtney!!!!!!!

It is the complete opposite with imported goods. A sleeve of Oreos or a box of Fruit Roll Ups costs $500 rupees ($10 USD)!!! I must admit, Lauren saw them on the shelf and melted down... in a weak moment, I bought them for her (I thought she had completed the "Fruit Roll Up Rehab" since she's been "clean" for a month...) but as Amy Winehouse says... they tried to make me go to rehab, I said, "no, no, no!"

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