Sunday, November 16, 2008

Odd Jobs

You might think, while checking out our blog, that I spend lots of time searching for these obscure photo ops! The truth is, this is what life is like here in India, aside from the highly segregated communities like ours (and there are very, very few of them), the streets are peppered with people going about their business of the day. Nothing at all you see surprises you after a while. So many things are heart breaking and heart warming at the same time. If this place can't change your outlook on life, I am not sure what can. Here are just a few Bangaloreans hard at work...

This guy pushes his cart up and down airport road all day selling what? Who knows!

One of my favorites, what could this guy be doing??

He sells buckets which locals use to collect drinking water. Over 100 buckets on a bicycle!!! They sell for 40 rupees each (about 50 cents USD) and if you trade in recyclables, he will give you a credit.

How about 2 barefoot guys on a horse drawn cart, making a delivery!

Wrapping paper or greeting cards anyone??
What do you think the number 12 on the chalkboard means?? How many coconuts he has sold today or the time he will take his lunch break?

Maybe it's the number of kilos this backpack weighs...

OK, drum roll, please... my very favorite!!! 100 dozen eggs, a motorcycle and heavy traffic on a weekend afternoon. No problem!!

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